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3rd International Conference “Metal-Working Fluids and Industrial Lubricants in Metallurgy, Mechanical Processing and Machine-Building 2018”

сож англ

RPI company have the honor of inviting you and your colleagues to the 3rd International Conference “Metal-Working Fluids and Industrial Lubricants in Metallurgy, Mechanical Processing and Machine-Building 2018” (May 15, 2018, Expocentre Exhibition Center, Moscow, Russia).

Co-organizer of the event is Rosneft Lubricants company.

The International Conference “Metalworking Fluids and Industrial Lubricants in Metallurgy, Mechanical Processing and Machine Building 2018” (MWFIL 2018) is the unique platform for the industry to meet and exchange ideas, plan and discuss future projects – both for fluids suppliers and end users from metallurgy, metal processing and machine-building.

The conference will be held within the International Specialized Exhibition “METALLOOBRABOTKA 2018” (May 14-18, 2018).

19th International Exhibition METALLOOBRABOTKA 2018” is – Russia’s largest metalworking show – all global trends under one roof – ranks in the world top ten machinery shows in terms of space and roi – meeting point for major manufacturers and suppliers for over 30 years.

The Exhibition is held by the Expocentre and Stankoinstrument Russian Association of Machine-Tool Manufacturers and is supported by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and World Association of the Exhibition Industry.

Among past year’s Conference participants are Rosneft Lubricants, LUKOIL Lubricants, Gazpromneft Lubricants, BASF, Fuchs Oil, Afton Chemical, NYNAS, Evonik Oil Additives, Multisol, Idemitsu Lubricants, AIMOL, HILL Corporation,  Volgokhimneft, Shell Process Oil, Base Oil and Wax, Shell Neft, HOUGHTON, Sasol, LANXESS, MOBOIL, Finexim, Mineral Wax Plant, Electrogorsk Refining Institute, MechMash, AKNEL Group, VNII NP, MOTUL, Solvay, RSU of Oil and Gas named by Gubkin, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMASH RAN), MIC GSM, Moscow Pipe Plant FILIT, Severstal Management, Mineral Wax Plant, International Academy of Refrigeration (IAR), IPL-Europack, IPL-Европак, Azelis, Polyefir, Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society, Spektr, Austrian Tribology Society, Red October Plant, Mechel and many others.

The conference greets:

– formulators of metal-working fluids and all kinds of industrial lubricants, including preservative, impregnating and quenching oils;
– technology developers for ferrous and non-ferrous metals processing;
– industrial equipment users from various Russian industries;
– service and technical staff using industrial energy and compressor equipment;
– senior technical managers from Russian enterprises and their staff members;
– representatives from the leading Russian technical and research institutions;
– Russian and foreign suppliers of MWF’s, industrial fluids and related products;
– purchasing managers from Russian enterprises.

And others.

For more information, please, see:

To register as a delegate or speaker of the Conference or obtain more information, please, contact: Elena Konstantinova: +7 (495) 5025433 / 7789332. E-mail: 


Respiratory morbidity rate is higher in environmentally unfriendly regions

The “Green Patrol” organization reports that the most environmentally unfriendly regions of Russia are Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Moscow regions. (as of Spring 2017). The National Industrial Information Agency analyzed the association between the environmental condition and morbidity[1].

The National Industrial Information Agency analyzed three disease groups – respiratory infections, GIT infections and skin infections – and adult morbidity.

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The average respiratory morbidity in Russia is 5.70 cases per thousand adults, whereas in Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Moscow regions it is 5.90, 8.54 and 8.20 cases correspondingly.

The highest respiratory morbidity rate is found in Komi Republic and Saint Petersburg: 14.30 and 14.15 cases respectively.

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The average GIT morbidity in Russia is 0.17 cases per 1000 adults. In the three regions under consideration GIT morbidity did not prove to be significantly higher than the average: in Chelyabinsk region – 0.19, in Moscow region – 0.17, and in Sverdlovsk region – 0.16.

The highest GIT morbidity rate is found in Nenets autonomous region, Saint Petersburg and Sakhalin region: 0.40, 0.37 and 0.33 cases respectively.


Skin disease prevalence makes 0.106 cases per 1000 adults on average in Russia. In the most environmentally unfriendly regions, however, the rate is lower than the average: in Sverdlovsk region – 0.025, in Chelyabinsk region – 0.008 and in Moscow region – 0.003 cases.

The “problem regions” in relation to skin diseases are Moscow and Saint Petersburg.

Russian regions with the highest morbidity associated with infectious diseases

The most widespread infectious diseases among adult population were respiratory infections (common cold, flu, community-acquired pneumonia). In January 2017 morbidity was 10 cases per 1000 adults on average.

From the regional perspective, the most unfavorable region was Chelyabinsk region: morbidity rate reached 25.77 cases per 1000 adults. In Kaluga , Archangelsk, Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Perm regions, Saint Petersburg, Komi Republic morbidity rate is also considerably higher than the average.

In Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Krasnodar region, on the contrary, morbidity was within 0.5-2 cases per 1000 adults.

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Sourse: National Industrial Information Agency

The second widespread diseases were GIT infections (enteroviral, toxicological infections, shigellosis and others). The average morbidity was 0.15 cases per 1000 adults. Nenets autonomous region has the highest morbidity with 0.57 cases per 1 thousand grownups. Saint Petersburg, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Murmansk, Krasnoyarsk and Primorsky regions are also marked by a high morbidity rate.


Sourse: National Industrial Information Agency

Hepatitis (acute and chronic) was the third most widespread disease among adult population. In January 2017 the average morbidity was 0.1 cases per one thousand people. The regions with the highest rate are Saint Petersburg (0.24 cases), Sakha, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Khanty-Mansi autonomous region, Sakhalin region.

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Source: National Industrial Information Agency

Новые производства по переработке полимеров могут появиться в ОЭЗ «Алабуга»

Руководство Республики Татарстан поставило перед особой экономической зоной «Алабуга» новые задачи, которые выходят за границы существующей площадки. Для их решения ОЭЗ получит новые объекты инфраструктуры и новые площадки. Об этом заявил сегодня Президент Республики Татарстан Рустам Минниханов в ходе заседания Наблюдательного совета ОЭЗ «Алабуга». Заседание состоялось в Доме Правительства РТ.
«Особая экономическая зона «Алабуга» оказалась одной из самых успешных в нашей стране, – заявил Рустам Минниханов, открывая заседание. – Мы понимаем, что ОЭЗ «Алабуга» – это один из основных объектов «ИнноКама», и с учетом новых задач мы считаем, что особая экономическая зона не должна замыкаться в существующем периметре. Мы продлеваем инвестиционную фазу, ставя перед ОЭЗ «Алабуга» новые задачи. Она будет заниматься и тепло-, и водоснабжением резидентов, и в то же время вопросом создания комфортных условий для жизни, в том числе в Елабуге».
«Также мы рассматриваем привлечение команды особой экономической зоны на новые площадки, – сообщил Президент Татарстана. – Это и мультимодальный логистический центр в Свияжске, и интересный проект, который можно реализовать в Нижнекамске».
Членам Наблюдательного совета ОЭЗ «Алабуга» был представлен доклад о внесении изменений в перспективный план развития особой экономической зоны в связи с включением в ее состав новых объектов: Свияжского мультимодального логистического центра, гостиницы «Алабуга-Сити», индустриального парка «Алабуга-2» в Нижнекамске и Елабужского водоканала. Также в ходе заседания были рассмотрены 5 новых проектов потенциальных резидентов. Общий объем заявленных инвестиций составляет 6,5 млрд рублей.
Проект компании «Транснефть-Синтез» (Россия) предусматривает создание производства противотурбулентных присадок для нужд нефтетранспортной отрасли. Запланированный объем производства – 3 000 тонн в год. Планируется создание 234 рабочих мест. Планируемый срок запуска производства – 1 квартал 2018 года.
Компания «Данафлекс-Алабуга» (Россия) создаст в особой экономической зоне производство гибкой упаковки. Объем производства при выходе на максимальную мощность составит 20 000 тонн в год. Планируется создание 272 рабочих мест. Производственные мощности компании предполагается разместить на территории готовых производственных площадей. Срок запуска производства – 1 квартал 2017 года.
Инвестиционный проект компании АО «Ростонер» предполагает производство тонера и картриджей для копировально-множительной техники. Планируемый объем производства на территории особой экономической зоны «Алабуга» составляет 2,8 млн. картриджей и 380 тонн тонера в год. Численность сотрудников нового предприятия составит 83 человека. Производственные мощности будут размещены на территории готовых производственных площадей в индустриальном парке «Синергия». Запуск производства запланирован на третий квартал 2017 года.
Также на заседании были рассмотрены проект создания в ОЭЗ «Алабуга» производства пластикатов ПВХ и каландрированной ПВХ-пленки, а также проект по созданию производства монтажной пены.
Члены Наблюдательного совета утвердили все проекты потенциальных резидентов. Далее проекты будут рассмотрены Экспертным советом при Минэкономразвития РФ, после чего им будем присвоен статус резидентов особой экономической зоны «Алабуга». «Мы в кратчайшие сроки должны оформить все документы для получения компаниями статуса резидентов ОЭЗ», – подчеркнул Рустам Минниханов.
Президент Татарстана поручил руководству администрации Елабужского района начать работу по подготовке персонала, привлечению специалистов, решению их жилищных и других вопросов. ОАО «Татнефтехиминвест-холдинг» поручено работать над максимальным вовлечением в производственный процесс новых резидентов сырьевых ресурсов Республики Татарстан.

Cuba will receive Russian trucks

Russian Automotive Market Research

Russia and Cuba signed an agreement on the supply of KAMAZ trucks and trailers for transportation of food and industrial goods to the island. In addition, the agreement provides for the delivery of spare parts and technological equipment for the repair of more than 6 thousand KAMAZ vehicles operated in Cuba, as well as the training of Cuban personnel to operate vehicles.

Prices for Lada Vesta and Lada XRAY increased

Russian Automotive Market Research

AvtoVAZ changed the cost of Lada Vesta and XRAY models. The company explained adjustments by inflation and changes in the competitive environment since the beginning of 2016.

New price lists will come into force on May 1, 2016. Clients, who want to purchase the base version of Vesta sedan, will have to pay at least 529 thousand rubles. Previously prices for the model started from 514 thousand rubles. The cost of the version Comfort will be 582 thousand rubles beginning May 1 (previously – 570 thousand rubles). The price for a top version Luxe grew by 14 thousand rubles and will cost 623 thousand rubles.

Prices for Lada XRAY with 1.6-liter Russian petrol engine capacity of 106 HP will remain unchanged (from 589 thousand rubles.) However, the cost of versions with 1.6-liter Renault engines (110 HP) will increase by 11 thousand rubles (from 639 thousand rubles). The price for a hatchback version with 1.8-liter Russian engine grew by 16 thousand rubles and now starts from 669 thousand rubles.

In addition, for Vesta and XRAY models there will be an additional payment for colors with metallic effect – 10 thousand rubles, and a special color Lime will cost 35 thousand rubles for Vesta.

KAMAZ increased sales in January-March 2016

Russian Automotive Market Research

KAMAZ fulfilled the business plan for the first quarter of 2016 by 110%, having sold more than 4180 trucks in the Russian market against 3700 vehicles over three month of the last year. Sales of KAMAZ trucks grew by 13% in January-March 2016.

According to the company, at the moment KAMAZ uses new approaches in sales policy, it reformed the system of incentives for dealers and partner plants.

New KAMAZ-5490 4×2 long-haul tractors were in the greatest demand in the market. As for previous KAMAZ models KAMAZ-6520 and KAMAZ-65115 remain popular. These three models account for about 65% of total KAMAZ sales.

KAMAZ business plan for 2016 provides for sales of 32 thousand vehicles, of which 25 thousand units will be sold in the Russian market, 7 thousand units – in foreign ones. In 2015 the company reduced its sales in Russia by 31% (to 22.6 thousand vehicles), export – by 4% (to 5.9 thousand vehicles).

KIA opened a new center in Izhevsk

Russian Automotive Market Research

KIA Motors Rus opened a new dealership in Izhevsk – Leo Smart Leader, which became the second dealer center of the brand in this city.

The new dealership with the total area of 4615 square meters has a showroom area of almost 1000 square meters. This center is arranged in accordance with the Red cube standard of KIA dealerships. A service zone of the dealer center area of 2564 square meters has 23 posts of mechanical repair, 12 posts of body repair, 1 painting camera and a warehouse of spare parts and accessories area of 362 square meters.
Currently in Russia there are 177 official KIA dealerships in 92 cities. Since the beginning of 2016 KIA dealer network included 4 new dealerships.

The amount of compensation for car export was defined

Russian Automotive Market Research

The state will compensate for up to 80% of the cost of transportation to border regions by land and up to 50% – by sea. The amount of compensation depends on the vehicle type and the quantity of exported products. In the decree the Ministry of Industry and Trade offers to pay up to 5.6 rubles per kilometer of mileage of the vehicle carrying cars abroad to automakers. For transportation of the all-wheel drive car the payment will be 11.2 rubles, LCV – 24 rubles, trucks and buses – 56 rubles. If vehicles move on their own, the payment will not exceed 24 rubles per 1 km.

Subsidies for compensation of costs of transportation by railroad will be based on the price list of Russian Railways 10-01. In case of delivery by sea transport the maximum compensation will be 50 thousand rubles per each car, 150 thousand rubles – LCV, 225 thousand rubles – trucks and buses. This subsidy does not depend on the distance. Support of marine transportation will cover only operations within the Russian territorial waters.
The cost of transportation of automotive components will be compensated if the products are transported by rail and then by sea (not more than 50 thousand rubles per 40-foot container).